One girl from a little town in America with nothing to offer except a testimony of the Lord's faithfulness. Sent to one woman in one village in one city in this one world to share the love of Jesus and his faithfulness. One God to go before me.
The faithfulness of the one true God is incredible to me. For years a woman waited to have a baby, losing 2 in the process. For years she prayed to her false gods... nothing happened. Two years ago, some missionaries came and prayed with her for a child. 2 years later I'm sitting in her yard as she holds her precious son, and tells me, "I still worship the other gods."
How, when she has seen the faithfulness of the one true God, can she still say I worship this stone who cannot see me, cannot hear her?
How can she hold that promise of God in her arms and still say no?
So I pray with my feeble words that my story will leave a footprint and she will remember the words we say to her. I pray that she will find healing because she has seen where I have been.
I'm in awe at how the Lord has chosen to use me, he has said, "Leah, I love you and I chose you to do this task because I want them!"
I am loved enough by God to be a vessel that carries his message of love to a tiny village in India, where as I sit sharing my testimony a herd of goats runs around me and I can't help but giggle and say "Oh India..." I am loved enough by God to satisfy my need of seeing results as he says, "My grace is sufficient." I am loved by a God who paints a beautiful sunrise for me when I hike a mountain at 5 am to sing praises to him. I am loved enough by God to stay behind and meet this amazing old woman whose eyes are desperate. Or to see a little girl in a school and smile at her because despite the fact that she has a hindu dot on her forehead, her eyes tell me differently. She has Jesus in her heart and I pray that she holds him close. I am loved to encourage a 16 year old girl whose family doesn't know Jesus but she tells me, "I still pray." I am loved that much to be given all these stories, to be used by God for all his glory.
This week I'm learning what the old camp song I learned as a child means to me, "Listen to the Lord as he speaks softly, listen to the words of perfect man, listen to the Lord as he speaks softly Listen even when you don't understand."
Well, I have had so many silly memories this week like accidentally cursing the ground where the apples come from while trying to pronounce a child's name, and also some beautiful things like sharing my testimony on the dirt floor of an Indian hut or listening to Indian Christian's pray in Tamil or sing praises to the Lord. I've seen prayers answered when I pray that God will fill this new church and a stash of children come in from the village. I have found what I love, being surrounded by children as I teach them the love of Jesus (:
Prayer requests:
-the language barrier has been very difficult for me... pray that I wouldn't withhold words because I don't want to overwhelm the translator.
-pray for rain!
-pray for our team's unity (:
I'll see you next week!!