Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Light and Momentary Afflictions

For this LIGHT and MOMENTARY affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory BEYOND all comparison.

This is light. This affliction, this pain, this loneliness, this fear. This is light. 
This is momentary. This struggle, this fight, this battle. This is momentary. 

This affliction that has you pressed against this wall, this affliction that is quickly resembling an ocean with waves high above your head, and you never did master the art of swimming,
this affliction is light. 

This perplexing situation that keeps you up late at night as you desperately try to figure out what the world means, this perplexing situation that wrecks your brain and your heart,
this perplexity is light.

This persecution that shames you and mocks you and hurts you. This persecution that tortures you and crushes you and causes you to fear.
This persecution is momentary.

This fall that has got you entwined in brokenness and sadness and depression. This fall that has struck you down and leaves you buried under the layers upon layers of tragedy and ruins.
This fall is momentary.

We do not lose heart because this LIGHT and MOMENTARY affliction is 

Your weakness cannot be compared to his strength.
Your sadness cannot be compared this his joy.
Your mortality cannot be compared to his eternity.

Like dishwater in contrast to the Caribbean,
dirt against the snow,
light mirroring the dark,
flying instead of walking,
heat contrasted to cold.

They are not worth comparing. 

These afflictions, death and cancer and sickness and tragedy. It is not worthy of comparison.
These heartbreaks, when your mom dies, your child gets sick, your body wracked with pain.
It does not compare.
This absolute longing, for your family to be restored, for your heart to be healed, for the waiting to finally end. This absolute longing IS WORTH IT.
Because this pain is meaningful.

This pain is preparing you for a weight of glory that is beyond comparison. This pain is preparing you for Jesus. I promise it is worth it. 

The redemption we seek will not take place here on earth. This restoration we hope for will not be fulfilled here. It is worth it because the promise is greater than I can ever imagine. The promise is the that Jesus will restore my heart, my family, my life IN HEAVEN. He is my inheritance, and HE is the eternal life I have to look forward too.

On earth, these afflictions may not end.
On earth, it may always hurt,
on earth, restoration may never arise.
But He is still good. 

But in heaven, 
in heaven,
 there is an eternal weight of glory.

For this LIGHT and MOMENTARY affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory BEYOND all comparison. 
(2 Corinthians 4)