Sunday, September 18, 2016

When a Heart Breaks

Her heart broke right in front of me.
I watched it fumble in her hands
and suddenly 
it fell
Silently to the floor.
It transpired in slow motion
there were pieces 
and fragments. 
I slowly looked back up to her face
it crumpled. 
a tear morphed into sobs
until her entire body gave way to 
the painful process of mourning. 
My heart wrenched inside me,
twisting until I felt a piece of her pain.
Her grief transported me 
to a place, I knew all too well.
A sadness I longed to forget,
a brokenness I didn't want to keep. 
I wanted to sweep up her heart
return it to her ribcage, whole
My prayers became fervent.
What do I do?
What can I do?
How can I watch her break?
How can I give her comfort?
The answers came, 
sure and steady.
If I have the Holy Spirt  
living within me
and if he is powerful
and if he speaks to the depths of my soul,
Then I have truth that shines through lies,
the comfort that breaks through pain,
hope that lights up the darkness
a peace that sits beside still waters.
I have yet to understand
all the little memories
that stay with me
and all the words 
that shaped my thinking.
I don't always know why heartache enters our souls,
and our sin-stained world has allowed
brokenness to mar our skin
and weaken our spirits.
But I do know my God 
and HE is good.
I know HIM 
and HE is kind. 
I know that the moment I saw her heart shatter,
I saw his shatter too.
When I wanted nothing more but to 
heal her heart
I know HE did more.
And I cannot understand why her heart had to break in such a way
or why I had to witness her sadness
and return to my own.
But I do know that no matter how unsteady my ground
and how shaky my feet
he is steady
he is sure
he will hold me fast.
he will heal her heart.
I now know that he doesn't tell me this life will be easy, but he does say he will be with me. He doesn't promise to take away the hurt, but he does covenant to hold me up. I trust him with my heart and I pray that every day, new opportunities will arise for me to share my hope, impart truth, prophecy love, give comfort and pray fervently. That moment, the one where I saw a heartbreak, will forever sit with me. Because the Lord has used it to confirm in me his truths, my gifts, and his heart.

when a heart breaks,
so does Jesus'.
When a heart shatters,
we see Jesus.