If she ran away, life would be so much simpler.
If she ran away, she thought, how beautiful it would be to have nothing but her car keys and a bottle of water and be forever gone.
No phone, no camera, no people. Nothing besides the clothes on her back and an old pair of flipflops.
Real, painful thoughts of running away invaded her mind.
She could start over. The movies always portray it. The girl so recklessly abandons her meaningless life and discovers life and beauty and meaning.
She could be that girl.
Everything in her desired something else. She wanted so much to be rid all the things the pulled her down. The obligations, the fears, the annoyances, the people. She needed freedom more than all the people around her could understand.
Gently the spirit reminded her of what she would lose if she ran away. These deep relationships that blossomed in the fruit of life would be gone. These seeds she had been planting trampled. The obedience to her Savior ignored.
The things she would lose were greater than the things she would gain if she ran away.
Her heart desired to be anywhere but here. Anywhere but in this place where she could physically no longer keep on fighting. But while everything in her screamed, "Run Away!"
The Voice of God was stronger. "Run to me, my love, Run to me."
I am Martha. A whirlwind of tasks and lists and ideas. Idosomanythings. Ineverquitestop. Ican'tbreathe.
I demand to the Lord, "Don't you see me? Do you even care?"
He is so stunning with His words, looking at me with His kind eyes, He never rebukes my tasks,only calming the storms within me.
"Martha," he spoke silence in my heart. "Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary, Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."
So anxious. So troubled. How can only one thing be important? Can sitting in the presence of Jesus really and truly be the only thing I need? Is that really the only peace my heart needs right now?
How can this be?
Jesus' command to Martha was never to stop serving. His heart just wanted hers to be at peace. He wanted her to be able to revel in His beauty and worship Him.
Mary worshiped by lavishing her love on him. Martha would eventually learn to worship with her serving. Will I ever learn this lesson?
When my workings go unnoticed will I respond with grace and gratitude instead of complaining and lamenting?
I've chosen the good portion. His name is Jesus. He only asks for my heart. Never my workings. Never my restlessness. He has come to give us rest.
We run so fast and so far in the opposite direction of where Jesus wants us to be: right in his arms.
We leave, fearful He will look down and see we haven't done enough; or worse, He won't notice at all.
He says instead, "Come to me, Run into my arms. I see, I know. Your work will be rewarded."
Our weary hearts rejoice because with each beat we despair, "I'm. So. Tired. Of. Running."
And He envelopes us in His perfect embrace and says, "Come to me, my weary and restless child. My yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I don't need to run anywhere but into my Savior's embrace which will hold me close forever.
In His love I know this will one day be worth it. In His eyes, I see something beyond here, I see the Kingdom of God and it's beautiful. I'm running to Him.
If she ran away, she thought, how beautiful it would be to have nothing but her car keys and a bottle of water and be forever gone.
No phone, no camera, no people. Nothing besides the clothes on her back and an old pair of flipflops.
Real, painful thoughts of running away invaded her mind.
She could start over. The movies always portray it. The girl so recklessly abandons her meaningless life and discovers life and beauty and meaning.
She could be that girl.
Everything in her desired something else. She wanted so much to be rid all the things the pulled her down. The obligations, the fears, the annoyances, the people. She needed freedom more than all the people around her could understand.
Gently the spirit reminded her of what she would lose if she ran away. These deep relationships that blossomed in the fruit of life would be gone. These seeds she had been planting trampled. The obedience to her Savior ignored.
The things she would lose were greater than the things she would gain if she ran away.
Her heart desired to be anywhere but here. Anywhere but in this place where she could physically no longer keep on fighting. But while everything in her screamed, "Run Away!"
The Voice of God was stronger. "Run to me, my love, Run to me."
I am Martha. A whirlwind of tasks and lists and ideas. Idosomanythings. Ineverquitestop. Ican'tbreathe.
I demand to the Lord, "Don't you see me? Do you even care?"
He is so stunning with His words, looking at me with His kind eyes, He never rebukes my tasks,only calming the storms within me.
"Martha," he spoke silence in my heart. "Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary, Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."
So anxious. So troubled. How can only one thing be important? Can sitting in the presence of Jesus really and truly be the only thing I need? Is that really the only peace my heart needs right now?
How can this be?
Jesus' command to Martha was never to stop serving. His heart just wanted hers to be at peace. He wanted her to be able to revel in His beauty and worship Him.
Mary worshiped by lavishing her love on him. Martha would eventually learn to worship with her serving. Will I ever learn this lesson?
When my workings go unnoticed will I respond with grace and gratitude instead of complaining and lamenting?
I've chosen the good portion. His name is Jesus. He only asks for my heart. Never my workings. Never my restlessness. He has come to give us rest.
We run so fast and so far in the opposite direction of where Jesus wants us to be: right in his arms.
We leave, fearful He will look down and see we haven't done enough; or worse, He won't notice at all.
He says instead, "Come to me, Run into my arms. I see, I know. Your work will be rewarded."
Our weary hearts rejoice because with each beat we despair, "I'm. So. Tired. Of. Running."
And He envelopes us in His perfect embrace and says, "Come to me, my weary and restless child. My yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I don't need to run anywhere but into my Savior's embrace which will hold me close forever.
In His love I know this will one day be worth it. In His eyes, I see something beyond here, I see the Kingdom of God and it's beautiful. I'm running to Him.
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