Thursday, June 25, 2015

love is stronger.

Jesus was walking to the garden, fully aware of what was to come. Jesus was lamenting and terrified of what was to come. Jesus, our perfect, sinless Savior was about to become broken. He was was swallowed by sorrow and so depressed. The strongest word used for depression was used to describe Jesus' grief. He told his friends, "Watch and pray," and He stumbled towards the place where He was to pray and fell down.
Body-wreaking sobs overcame his body as He looked up to the Heavens and said, "Father, please." The way a child runs to their daddy when they are scared is the way Jesus cried out to God. "If it is possible, If you are able, If you are strong enough, take this cup away from me."
His fear so intense, blood and water flowed from his pores, shaking as He prayed to Heaven, I don't want to do this.
Jesus didn't want to die.
Jesus didn't want to experience the pain.
Jesus was burdened.
Jesus was terrified.
He returned to his friends and they had fallen asleep. "Could you not watch and pray with me for one hour? The spirit is willing and the flesh is weak."
All he was asking was that His friends would support Him and lift Him up to His Father for Him in prayer. He had spent all this time giving to them and He needed just this once for them to give to Him. He was only asking for their devotion.
He returned, so consumed with anguish, he prayed again, "If it is not possible to take this cup from me, then your will be done."
His moments of grief passing too quickly, but His love for the Father passed beyond his agony and He obeyed the Father.
Jesus could have gotten up and walked away from the beatings and whippings and mocking.
He could have disappeared from the scene leaving all the guards questioning and confused.
Jesus had the power to do that. But His love conquered.
Hanging on the cross, skin torn off, flesh exposed to the unrelenting sun, He stayed for us. He sojourned through a hard life for us. For you. For me.

My car just broke down. In the past month it has slowly gone on a downward spiral. While driving home from camp it became very evident that I could no longer drive it without a fix. And the mechanic gave me some very concerning news. The fix will be 1000$ upward, which is a price my car is not even worth. So I'm looking at buying a new car that would preferably get through my college years.
And for the last couple of days, I have been so stressed. Thinking about my upcoming tuition bills and car payments and working my way through school and my current joblessness has scared me.
And I haven't necessarily been trusting the Lord with it. Being in YWAM for a year, I've heard the crazy 'God providing financially' stories. I've experienced a few myself. Coming home though, I guess I believed God wouldn't follow me financially. He's called me to college, but I just assumed I would have to work my butt off to stay out of debt and get through school.
And a few weeks ago someone at camp said, "Jesus didn't want to go to the cross, but He did for you."
And of course I knew that Jesus didn't want to go to the cross, who would actually want that? It hit me in a new way though.  He went out of love for me, and what He wanted was me.
If Jesus agonized over going to the cross obeyed God because of His deep love for us went to the cross then how on earth can I doubt that He would come through for me with something so small like finances?
Doubting His ability and power to come through is doubting His love. It is believing lies about God that separate His heart from mine.
He says, "Leah, trust me. I know it's scary, I know it's overwhelming. I know you like to be in control. Give it to me. Trust me."

He says,
What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
Luke 10:11-13

How much more will He provide for us. How much more will He give us Himself when we ask.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8

As we walk in obedience to God, He will provide all things we need. His grace is sufficient, He will not leave us stranded, His love for us is greater than anything we know. Ask for Him and you will receive Him. Ask for what you need and He will be faithful to come through. Whether you are a missionary in a foreign country and you can't even say His name, or you're waiting by the mailbox day after day praying it will be good news instead of another bill, or you are going into college and your car breaks down. He will provide when you walk in obedience to His will.
His love is stronger. His grace will abound. He is faithful.