Saturday, December 24, 2016

Immanuel, God with us

The Virgin shall conceive and you shall call his name Immanuel. 

Immanuel, Immanuel.
God with us.

Tender are our hearts, fragile are our souls.
How far off has our God seemed?
Our sacrifices have fallen short, our wayward flesh has turned away.
Oh Lord, How long?

The cry was growing greater.
O Come, O Come Immanuel.
The captivity of our hearts is great, The longing of our souls is immense.
How long, Oh Lord?
We need a ransom, We need a savior.

But there will be no gloom for her who is in anguish.

Immanuel, his name like a blanket over our frozen bodies.
Immanuel, this hope like a healing balm to our wounds that have not stopped bleeding.
Immanuel, our cry has never been more sure,
our longings have never been more real.

The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light.

The Hebrews were not even looking,
how dim their light had been.
The Gentiles had not even known,
how dark their decaying worlds existed.

The angel said to them, Fear not! For I bring you glad tidings of great joy that will be for all the people.

Instantaneously, their hearts were touched with light.
It did not blind them, it caused them to see for the first time.
Every heart in all of humanity in the proclamation of the Savior's birth rejoiced.
The fulfillment of prophecies, the hope of the whole world, the one who was to come was here.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

As they gazed down at this child of love, whose tender smile was a gift, whose cry was a sure sign that God had become man, whose eyes pierced hearts. As they beheld the eyes of the Savior, hope set in. They knew. In that moment it was clear to them that this God-child had come to shake the earth. He had come to teach a new law of love, to give them a new covenant. He was Immanuel. He was God with us. Never before had anything been so profound, so marvelous, so lovely. He was here. He was for you, He was for me. He was here to bring resurrection. He was gentle and kind. He was fire and love. He was water in the desert, keys to the imprisoned, healing for the broken, hope for the hopeless. He was Immanuel. Now with us was God.

And this baby that held the whole world in his hands, came to us.
This baby came in the likeness of man to save him, guide him and love him.
This baby was God with us, This man was God for us, This resurrected Savior is God in us.
Immanuel, God is with us.

Rejoice, Rejoice, Immanuel has come to us, O Israel.