Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sing Your Song

"Leah, be a bird. Be free, sing your song." 
These are the words I feel deep within my heart as I spent time with Jesus early this morning. The birds are free, nothing restrains them. They fly to and from. They sing their songs loud. And on this early spring morning their songs became evident to me. One was excited, another was peaceful. One had an angry cry. And they all sang their song. Honestly and freely.
And after a week of learning about my personality, I can't help but make the connection of the freedom I am called to.
Some birds sit on a tree branch for hours. Some fly far and long.
They are all so different. But they all sing their song. They all be who they are created to be. They never conform to one another. They are just themselves.
Why is it so hard to be free? Why do we think it will benefit us to keep the invisible shackles around our wrists that bind us to be someone we are not? Why is freedom so frightening? I'm not sure yet. But I want to live free.
Bondage creeps up so quickly. He hides in the corner of my room. I let him in too often.
India I discovered the life in freedom. I want to keep that with everything in me.
Jesus makes me come alive. So I'll pursue him. I'll be the bird that he has called me to be.
His grace is so evident to me when I choose to walk in stubbornness. His grace is so evident to me when I tell him that I can maintain it all on my own. I don't need anyone.
But, oh How I need Him.
And it's here that I can feel the extravagance of his love, the depth of his grace and the joy in His freedom. Yet I don't want to stay here. I want to find how deep, how long, how far and how great his love is. I want to drown deeper in the ocean of who He is and I want to be so much freer as every weight and chain falls off and I press on toward the goal of the prize of which He has called me heavenward.

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