Sunday, October 20, 2013

Upon Being Nearly Mauled By Dogs...

 This week, because the things I've been learning have been super deep, and super personal, so I'm going to give you a little bit of comic relief.
It's always the simple things that teach me. The simple things that bring me joy. Tonight I took a walk with my lovely friend Carissa. We saw a trail from a distance in the neighborhood we were walking in. We ignored all the signs that it wasn't a legit trail, all the signs that we might possibly be trespassing on private property. So we're not even 10 feet into this trail when we hear dogs barking. We spin around and sprint back to where we came from. These big, frightening dogs are chasing us down a hill, way faster than my failed running abilities. Carissa screams at me "Grab a rock!", while pulling up a massive rock out of the ground. The dogs stopped at these stone boulders, so we figured we had just walked onto someone's property. After hysterically laughing for quite a while, we looked up the hill and realized there was an old couple staring at us.
We probably sounded like we were about to die. Which, technically, we almost could have. The old couple eventually started talking to us. And the gave us a tour of the neighborhood, some history and
we got to share with them what we are doing for this season of life. It was so awesome to see the opportunity God gave us to connect to some locals and even stay in contact with them (:

This week I also started my local ministry. I get to go and serve meals at an emergency family shelter. Then I get to eat with them and hang out with the kids. We got to play Jenga with the kids and just interact and find out about their lives and form relationships.

Yeah, it's been a great week. I've been working through a lot of deep and personal things, and learning more about the heart of God and his everlasting love for me. I love and miss you all! You should be seeing a newsletter from me in the mail soon!

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