Saturday, December 13, 2014

Joy To The World

The past few months of my life have been a little lonely. I spent a year with incredible humans, I developed deep relationships. There is a depth to relationships that were built on solid ground. There is something about roaming the streets of other countries and seeing poverty together. Something about seeing another's deepest hurts plastered on the wall and learning how to comfort together. There is something deep that I cannot explain to you unless you've experienced it. 
And this week, two of my friends from this past year of my life came to visit. I cannot express how glorious it was. We had joy. For the first time in a few months we remembered what it was like to not be lonely. 
It was a gift from the Lord, really. A gift of laughter, friendship, smiles and joy. 
And I am reminded of a greater gift during this season. A gift that makes mine seem to only touch the surface. 
Jesus was personified joy to the world. The gift He was that He came in the form of a human child. When I come to think of it, I realize that God sending Jesus in human form was the greatest way of giving the gift of redemption. 
Life is the most beautiful thing. There is something splendid from seeing flowers bloom or snow fall white from the grey sky. But the most satisfaction we receive in life is from relationships. Our joy comes from sharing life with others. We rejoice when others rejoice. 
Friendship is a priceless gift, something no wrapping paper could replace and no enemy could steal it away. And I think that is why, one night, thousands of years ago, God sent Jesus. In the form of a human child. Not a wrapped gift that said "Grace." Or a feeling in the sky called Peace. He came in the likeness of man. One who could form deep and beautiful relationships with those around Him. 
His humanity was the reason someone wrote a song called "Joy to the world." It is the relationship that brings us joy. It is the depth He takes us to and the value He places on us. It is the way He speaks to us as His children and His friend. 
Joy to the World,
The Lord has come.
Let every heart prepare Him room.
Because, He brought joy to the world.

I love how the classic carol ends with the phrase "And wonders of His love." 
Joy to the world in the beginning, and wonders of His love at the end. The most beautiful of stories.
The gift was friendship, the gift that blessed our hearts with perfect joy and love. 

Thank you, Lord, for not sending us a wrapped up gift like Santa Claus, but for giving yourself so that we could enjoy you, so that we could learn to love you. 

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