Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hope is Rampant

The animals were restless, the sky wasn't as dark as it usually was, the stars seemed to twinkle just a little brighter. The sorrow that usually reigned in the shepherd's hearts was nearly nonexistent. The king's usual burdens were lifted, their hearts feeling thousands lighter.

An inexpiable hope was rampant in this city.

A lonely innkeeper, no room left in his home, longed to say 'yes' to the family that gave him a strange sense of peace. He longed for the hope that seemed to leap from the joyful young father and weary mother. Giving all he had left, he said, "It's not much, but the stable has room." He lifted his eyes and knew it was an answer to their prayers. As smiles danced on their lips. The young mother placed her fingers on her large middle. She said "He's happy."

Hope was rampant in this old innkeeper's heart. 

The baby came painlessly, letting out a cry in the night. The cry that initiated hope. It set fire to the anticipation of the years. He came quietly, but the lowly knew. The animals almost danced in their grazing through the fields at night. The earth groaned in expectation of what this meant for Creation itself. The shepherd's watch a host of angels, the most magnificent sight they had ever seen, sing of hope, sing of peace, sing of joy. The night was holy, they knew. The innkeeper watched from his window, as a glow from the fields screamed hope to his hopeless heart. He watched the young family, and for the first time believed the stories his ancestors had passed through the ages. A Savior would come, a Messiah would arrive. Immanuel, God was finally with us. He didn't know how, but there was something about that baby, that tiny baby, that the mother lovingly placed in his arms that ignited a fire in his heart. He saw Love in that baby's fiery eyes. A furious Love that would stop at nothing. A passionate Love that was captivating his soul. 
"What's his name?" He whispered in awe as the baby wrapped a tiny fist around his finger.
"Jesus, God rescues." The young mother smiled.
The scriptures he had memorized as a boy shouted in his heart, "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
He knew this was that baby, beyond a shadow of doubt, this baby was hope incarnate. This baby restored life to his broken soul within moments. This baby made all the hurt of all the years disappear. This baby looked deep into his soul and said, "I AM." And this lonely, old innkeeper, frail and broken, believed for the first time.

Hope was rampant for the world.

Each shepherd that came to kneel before this baby, with nothing to offer but themselves, was changed. They looked into the eyes of Justice and Mercy and felt forgiveness. They looked at their meaningless life, and this baby, The Son of God, gave them purpose for the first time. 
The kings bowed before, repented of their selfish ways, because they had been called by God himself to serve this land. 

Hope was rampant in this city. 

My heart wanders back to that night, 2000 years ago, and as I stare into this Christmas Eve candle-light, a tiny light in comparison the the Light of that peaceful night. 
 "For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6
I may never know what it was like to stare into the eyes of a babe who brought life into the world. I may never know what it was to stand in a stable so strongly reeking of hay, to stand in the most peaceful, yet glorious night in all of history. I may never know what it was like to see the moment when history was changed, when Love breathed his first, when hope burst out of tiny lungs into a grieving world, longing for something more. But I know what it is to be pursued by a furious love, to have a friendship with a jealous Savior. I've experienced the faithfulness of my God who not only came as an infant, and died on the cross for my sins, but lived a life to show me what it means to be fully alive.
 The fear and doubt is fleeing. 

Hope is rampant in my heart.

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